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Portland Search Group -

About Us

About images

Portland Search Group is the leader in staffing and recruiting for accounting, finance, human resources, administrative and technology positions. Our team of experienced Portland recruiters is dedicated to providing the best customer service around and delivering the most qualified candidates. Our proven background in recruiting and our skilled staff have an unparalleled network of contacts throughout Portland and beyond.

We take time to listen and get to know you and understand your particular needs. We want to make sure that both our clients and candidates trust Portland Search Group. We offer an honest and accurate market advice and promise that your experience with PSG will not be like any other search firm you have dealt with.

Some important FeatureS

  • Direct Hire Recruiting
  • Consultant
  • Temporary Staffing
  • Executive Search

What We Do

Portland Search Group delivers great candidates fast. We specialize in accounting, finance and technology roles.That can either be for a direct hire search, temp to perm or a temporary/consultant.

Our Services

John Herd has over 15 years of experience recruiting in the Puget Sound Area. 7 years ago he was able to start his dream company of owning a search firm that is like no other agency around. When John is not working you can find him playing soccer, coaching his two daughters or watching movies with his wife.

Testimonial images
John Herd

John Herd has over 15 years of experience recruiting in the Puget Sound Area. 7 years ago he was able to start his dream company of owning a search firm that is like no other agency around. When John is not working you can find him playing soccer, coaching his two daughters or watching movies with his wife.

Testimonial images
John Herd